Guided by the principles of: "Seeking and Preserving Virtue, Beauty, and Excellent Artworks".
《凌雲》尚濤 1990
《傾國》尚濤 1993
《紫砂釉色九龍壁》韋琪 1987- 1988
《凌雲》尚濤 1990
Only artists with sincere and perceptual pursuit of beauty and representative works of good dedication with the spirit of great love can be immortal in the history of human culture and art.
Our core values: Truth, Innovation, Vigor.
The Formless Form:
An Exhibition of Shang Tao
80 在水一方 Across the Water 1992
48 大年 A Good Year 1997
72 仙眾 An Array of Fairies 1988
80 在水一方 Across the Water 1992
Ancient Poems and
Modern Paintings
25天淨沙(元-馬致遠作) 吳冠中畫
02登鸛雀樓(唐-王之煥作) 錢松嵒畫
09楓橋夜泊(唐-張繼作) 李行簡畫
25天淨沙(元-馬致遠作) 吳冠中畫
The Art of Liao Hongbiao’s
Shiwan Ceramics
釋迦牟尼坐像 廖洪標 1988-1990
釋迦牟尼坐像 廖洪標 1988-1990
東坡賞現 廖洪標 2006
釋迦牟尼坐像 廖洪標 1988-1990
The Art of Xu Xiutang's
Yixing Ceramics
徐秀棠1989-1990(原作) Xu Xiutang
徐秀棠1989-1990(原作)Xu Xiutang
徐秀棠、徐瑞平1990 合作Xu Xiutang and Xu Ruiping
徐秀棠1989-1990(原作) Xu Xiutang